8Control Panel SettingsSetting the Timeto set the time:press the1. CloCK key. the colon between the minutesand seconds on the time display will begin to flash.enter the current time on the number keypad before2.the colons stops flashing. For example: For 12:08,press 1-2-0-8 on the keypad. pressing the # keychanges the am-Pm indicator.press3. start.importantThe clock cannot be set during delay timed cooking, if one•of the timers is in use or if self-clean or Sabbath mode isactive.After a power failure, the time on the display may flash,•indicating that the time may not be correct.After pressing the clock key, you must enter the time and•press start soon afterward. If you wait longer than sixseconds between pressing keys, the display will go back tothe original setting.24/12 Hour Clock (Military Time)the oven is set to 12-hour (non-military) time at the fac-tory. 24 hour time is also known as military time.1:36 pm = 13:36 military time.If you want to switch the clock to 24 hourtime or switch from military back to regulartime:press and hold the clock key for six seconds. the1.display will indicate the mode the clock is currently setto, 12 Hr or 24 Hr.press the2. # key to change the clock mode. to leavethe setting as is, do not touch any keys.press3. CanCel · seCure to return to the main dis-play. if you have set the clock to 24 hour time, thekeypad will allow you to enter military time when set-ting the clock.Operating Your OvenSetting the Temperature Scalethe control panel allows you to select the temperaturescale (fahrenheit or celsius) it uses to display the cookingtemperature. the oven is preset at the factory to fahren-heit.to change the temperature scale:press and hold the1. BroIl key (under uPPer oVenon double ovens) for six seconds.the display will indicate the temperature scale the2.control panel is currently set to, “F” or “C”.press the3. # key to change the temperature scale. toleave the setting as is, do not touch any keys.press4. CanCel · seCure. the control panel will goback to the regular clock display, set to the new tem-perature scale.Before Your Cook...when you use your oven to bake or roast, it preheats•automatically. the preheat cycle rapidly brings theoven chamber up to the proper cooking temperature.it takes several minutes to preheat the oven. preheattime depends on the temperature settings. the timemay be longer depending on the type of electricalsupply in your community. there is no preheat cyclefor any of the broil modes.after you pull food out of the oven, it will continue to•cook. this process is called “carry-over.” the largerthe portion of food, the longer it will cook. it is best tolet the meat rest after it comes out of the oven for 10to 15 minutes before carving. Doing so will allow themeat to retain its juices and make it easier to carve.Dacor recommends turning the oven on for one hour•at 500°f to burn off any residual oils used during themanufacturing process. any of these oils left on theinner parts can cause an undesirable smell the firstfew times the oven is used.cautionDo not allow acids (citrus juices, tomato sauces, etc.) to remainon the oven’s surfaces. The porcelain finish may stain or pit.