24Care and CleaningSelf Clean (Cont.)noteThe oven lights do not operate while the oven is in self-clean•mode to protect them from damage.Self-clean will not work with the meat probe connected (the•meat probe symbol will flash.)if you want to stop the self-clean cycle, press theCanCel · seCure key. Keep in mind that the oven doorwill remain locked until it is safe enough to open. the locksymbol will disappear from the display when the door lockis released. you will still need to exercise caution whenthe door lock is released because the inside of the ovenmay still be hot.After the Self-Clean Cycle is Complete:the door latch will release when the inside has cooled•down. the clean icon, lock icon and “on“ will disap-pear from the display. exercise caution because theoven will still be hot (about 400°f) at the time thedoor lock is released.Reinstall the convection filter and oven racks before•using your oven.you may notice a powder ash residue in the bottom of•the oven after self-cleaning. this condition is normal.use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe up the residueafter the oven cools down.Self-Cleaning Tipsif any soil remains in the oven after the self-clean•cycle is done, you may repeat the cycle if you want.self-clean the oven regularly to prevent excessive soil•build-up. Doing so will make the self-clean cycle workbetter and reduce smoke and odors.Setting the Oven to Self-Clean ata Later TimeTo set the oven to self-clean at a later time:prepare the oven for self-cleaning as instructed on1.page 23. observe all safety precautions and removeall items listed from inside the oven. clean the doorgasket and around the door as instructed.close the oven door.2.press the3. selF Clean key.press the 2, 3 or 4 key to select the desired self-clean4.time.press the5. start tIme key.enter the desired start time. for example, press6.1-2-3-0 for 12:30. you may enter a time up to 22hours and 59 minutes ahead of the present time.press7. start.when you press8. start, “DelaY” will appear on thedisplay and the oven door will lock. the oven will startto self-clean at the time you have selected.When the Oven is Set to Clean at a LaterTime...if you want to view the time, push the• CloCK key.if the clock is displayed, you can push• start tImeto check when the self-clean cycle will start.when the self-clean cycle starts, “• DelaY” will disap-pear and “on” will appear on the display.To cancel the time delayed self-clean cycle:press• CanCel/seCure.if the self-clean process has not started, allow about•a minute for the door to unlock before attempting touse the oven.if the oven is in the middle of the self-clean pro-•cess, the door will unlock when the oven has cooleddown enough to open safely. the oven will still be hot(about 400 °f.)Cleaning the ExteriorControl PanelwarningDo not use abrasive cleaners or scrubbers on the control panel.They will permanently damage the finish.to avoid accidentally turning the oven on while cleaningthe control panel, activate the lock-out feature. press theCanCel · seCure key for six seconds. the lock-out fea-ture disables the keys. when the control panel is locked,the word “off” appears on the display.when you want to re-activate the control panel, pressCanCel · seCure for six seconds.clean the control panel with the soft side of a spongedampened with a mild solution of detergent and warmwater. Dry the control panel completely with a soft, lint-free cloth.