PLAYING CASSETTES➠ 23Video Recorder+Satellite Receiver5 T UNING IN NEW STATIONS➠ 22 Video Recorder+Satellite Receiver6SYSTEM SETTINGYou can make misc settings on System Setting menu.“Start on channel” Feature allows you to setup the firstshown channel when you power on the satellite receiver.Optional :If your set has RF Output, you may show 2 additionalmenus related to RF channel selection.Default UHF channel is 40.Play1 Push the cassette smoothly and squarely intothe cassette bay, with its windows pointing up.2 Press [PLAY/PAUSE] to start playback.3 Press [STOP] to stop playback.4 Press [FF] or [REW] to fast forward or rewind the cassette from stop.5 Press [STOP/EJECT] to eject the cassette in Stop mode.• When you load a protected cassette such as pre-recorded film playback will startautomatically.• When you are playing tapes of poor quality or tapes which have been recorded onanother machine, you can use the [PR+] or [PR-] buttons while the cassette isplaying to reduce horizontal interferences stripes.• Playing NTSC tapes on PAL TV: If you play cassettes which have been recorded onthe NTSC colour system (as used in the USA), you can watch the pictures on mostPAL TVs.On older TVs, some black lines may appear at the top and bottom of the screen.The picture may also roll up or down. To prevent these problems adjust the V-HOLD knob on your television.NTSC : National Television Systems Committee.Still1 Press [PLAY/PAUSE] in Playback mode to still picture from playback.2 Press [PLAY/PAUSE] to switch back to normal playback.• After approximately five minutes on still, the cassette will automatically switch tonormal playback.