SD-9500P/SD-9800P/SD-3500PSD-9500P/SD-9800P/SD-3500POwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s ManualOwner’s Manual- Region code of DVD/Video player for UK isregion “2” or ALL. Inserting a disc with anotherregion code, it will not operate. Please only use adisc with region code 2 or ALL.- is a ‘DO NOT’ mark. If this mark is displayed inoperating the product, please wait for a while, thenuse it. If " DO NOT" mark continues to bedisplayed in pressing a button after that, it meansthe button does not function in the currentlyplayed disc.- Press a product button on the REMOTE then usethe product.• DVD operation : [DVD] button• Video operation : [VCR] buttonDVD-VIDEO PLADVD-VIDEO PLAYERYERHELP LINE ; 0 870 100 2525Downloaded From Daewoo Manuals