141The interface is shown as below. See Figure 2-3.Figure 2-3Please refer to the following sheet for front panel button information.SN Icon Name Function1 NET Network abnormalindicator lightNetwork error occurs or there is no networkconnection, the light becomes red to alert you.2 PWR Power indicatorlightThe red light becomes on when the powerconnection is OK.3 HDD HDD abnormalindicator lightHDD error occurs or HDD capacity is belowspecified threshold value, the light becomes redto alert you.2.1.4 HCVR41XXHE-S2/ HCVR51XXH-S2/ HCVR51XXHE-S2/HCVR710XH-S2/ HCVR710XHE-S2/HCVR41XXHE-S3/HCVR51XXHE-S3/HCVR71XXH-S3/HCVR71XXHE-S3 /HCVR41XXHS-S2/ HCVR21XXHS-S2/HCVR21XXHS-S3/HCVR41XXHS-S3/51XXHS-S3/7104HS-S3/XVR41XXHE/XVR51H/XVR51XXHE/XVR71XXH/XVR71XXHE/HCVR41XXHS-S2/ HCVR21XXHS-S2/XVR21XXHS/XVR41XXHS/51XXHS/7104HS/HCVR71XX-4MSeriesThe front panel is shown as below. See Figure 2-6.Figure 2-4Please refer to the following sheet for front panel button information.Icon Name FunctionHDD HDD status indicatorlightThe blue light is on when the HDD is malfunction.NET Network status indicatorlightThe blue light is on when the network connection isabnormal.POWER Power status indicator light The blue light is on when the power connection isOK.