309ImportantXVR series product does not support upgrade function via coaxial cable. That is to say,you cannot use this interface to upgrade the connected CVI camera if you are usingXVR.It is to update the online camera.From main menu->setting->camera->remote upgrade, the interface is shown as below.See Figure 4-86.Click Browse button and then select the upgrade file. Then select a channel (or you canselect device type filter to select several devices at the same time.)Click Start upgrade button to update. You can see the corresponding dialogue once theupgrade is finish.Figure 4-864.11.2 Network4.11.2.1 TCP/IPThe single network adapter interface is shown as in Figure 4-87 and the dual networkadapters interface is shown as in Figure 4-88 Network Mode : Includes multiple access, fault tolerance, and load balancing Multiple-address mode: eth0 and eth1 operate separately. You can use theservices such as HTTP, RTP service via etho0 or the eth1. Usually you need toset one default card (default setup is etho) to request the auto network service