Table of ContentsInstallation manual4EBLQ+EDLQ011~016CAV3+W1Daikin Altherma low temperature monobloc4P522031-1 – 2018.01Table of Contents1 About the documentation 41.1 About this document.................................................................. 42 About the box 42.1 Outdoor unit............................................................................... 42.1.1 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit....... 43 Preparation 53.1 Preparing the installation site .................................................... 53.1.1 Installation site requirements of the outdoor unit ........ 53.2 Preparing water piping .............................................................. 53.2.1 To check the water volume and flow rate ................... 53.3 Preparing electrical wiring ......................................................... 63.3.1 Overview of electrical connections for external andinternal actuators ........................................................ 64 Installation 74.1 Opening the units ...................................................................... 74.1.1 To open the outdoor unit............................................. 74.1.2 To open the switch box cover of the outdoor unit ....... 74.2 Mounting the outdoor unit.......................................................... 74.2.1 To provide the installation structure ............................ 74.2.2 To install the outdoor unit............................................ 74.2.3 To provide drainage .................................................... 74.2.4 To prevent the outdoor unit from falling over .............. 84.3 Connecting the water piping...................................................... 84.3.1 To connect the water piping........................................ 84.3.2 To connect the water piping to the backup heater ...... 94.3.3 To protect the water circuit against freezing ............... 94.3.4 To fill the water circuit ................................................. 104.3.5 To insulate the water piping ........................................ 104.4 Connecting the electrical wiring................................................. 104.4.1 To connect the electrical wiring on the outdoor unit.... 104.4.2 To connect the main power supply ............................. 114.4.3 To connect the user interface ..................................... 114.4.4 To connect the shut-off valve...................................... 124.4.5 To connect the domestic hot water pump ................... 125 Configuration 135.1 Overview: Configuration ............................................................ 135.1.1 To connect the PC cable to the switch box................. 135.1.2 To access the most used commands ......................... 135.1.3 To copy the system settings from the first to thesecond user interface.................................................. 145.1.4 To copy the language set from the first to the seconduser interface .............................................................. 155.1.5 Quick wizard: Set the system layout after first powerON............................................................................... 155.2 Basic configuration .................................................................... 155.2.1 Quick wizard: Language / time and date..................... 155.2.2 Quick wizard: Standard............................................... 155.2.3 Quick wizard: Options ................................................. 165.2.4 Quick wizard: Capacities (energy metering) ............... 175.2.5 Space heating/cooling control..................................... 175.2.6 Domestic hot water control ......................................... 185.2.7 Contact/helpdesk number ........................................... 195.3 Menu structure: Overview installer settings............................... 206 Commissioning 216.1 Checklist before commissioning................................................ 216.2 Checklist during commissioning ................................................ 216.2.1 To perform an air purge .............................................. 216.2.2 To perform a test run .................................................. 226.2.3 To perform an actuator test run .................................. 226.2.4 To perform an underfloor heating screed dryout......... 227 Hand-over to the user 227.1 About locking and unlocking....................................................... 23To activate or deactivate a function lock .................................... 23To activate or deactivate button lock.......................................... 238 Technical data 238.1 Piping diagram: Outdoor unit...................................................... 238.2 Wiring diagram: Outdoor unit ..................................................... 241 About the documentation1.1 About this documentTarget audienceAuthorised installersDocumentation setThis document is part of a documentation set. The complete setconsists of:Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available onthe regional Daikin website or via your dealer.The original documentation is written in English. All other languagesare translations.Technical engineering data▪ A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regionalDaikin website (publicly accessible).▪ The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikinextranet (authentication required).2 About the box2.1 Outdoor unit2.1.1 To remove the accessories from theoutdoor unit1 Open the outdoor unit.1×2×2×2 Remove the accessories.