SERVICING63span length (See DRIVE BELT TENSION ADJUSTMENTFigure). Belt tension force can be measured using a belttension gauge, available through most belt manufacturers.The correct deflection force is 5 Ibs. for a new belt and 3.5 Ibs.for a belt that has been run in. New belt tension includes initialbelt stretch.When new V-belts are installed on a drive, the initial tensionwill drop rapidly during the first few hours. Check tensionfrequently during the first 24 hours of operation. Subsequentretensioning should fall between the minimum and maximumforce. To determine the deflection distance from the normalposition, use a straightedge or stretch a cord from sheave tosheave to use as a reference line. On multiple belt drives, anadjacent undeflected belt can be used as a reference.*Apply force to the center of the span.t = Span length, inchesC = Center distance, inchesD = Larger sheave diameter, inchesd = Smaller sheave diameter, inchesh = Deflection height, inchesDRIVE BELT TENSION ADJUSTMENT7.5 - 12.5 TON MODELSBELT DRIVE Used New7.5 Ton 2.6 to 3.6 3.75 +/- 0.5 4.0 +/- 0.5 9/32 +/- 1/168.5 Ton 2.6 to 3.6 3.75 +/- 0.5 4.0 +/- 0.5 9/32 +/- 1/1610 Ton 3.0 to 4.0 3.75 +/- 0.5 4.0 +/- 0.5 9/32 +/- 1/1612.5 Ton 2.6 to 3.6 3.75 +/- 0.5 4.0 +/- 0.5 9/32 +/- 1/16A, AX StandardMODEL DEFLECTION(in)DEFLECTIONFORCE (lbs)SHEAVEDIAMETER (in)TYPERECOMMENDED POUNDS OF FORCE PER BELTS-206 INDOOR FAN ROTATION CHECKEvaporator Fan Rotation Check (Three Phase ModelsOnly)Check that fan rotates counter-clockwise when viewed fromthe drive side of unit and in accordance with rotation arrowshown on blower housing. If it does not, reverse any twoincoming power cables at Single Point Power Block. In thiscase, repeat bearing check.Do not attempt to change load side wiring. Internal wiringassures all motors and compressors will rotate in correctdirection once evaporator fan motor rotation check has beenmade.S-207 MOTOR SHEAVE ADJUSTMENTVL, V M & 2VP V ARIABLE PITCH KEY TYPE M OTOR SHEAVESThe driving and driven motor sheaves should be in alignmentwith each other and the shafts parallel.VL & V M SHEAVES ADJUSTMENT1. Loosen set screw “B” using a 5/32" Allen key.2. Making half or full turns from closed position, adjustsheave pitch diameter for desired speed. DO NOT OPENMORE THAN SIX FULL TURNS.3. Tighten set screw “B” securely over flat.4. Carefully put on belts and adjust belt tension. DO NOTFORCE BELTS OVER GROOVES.5. Ensure all keys are in place and the set screws tightbefore starting drive. Recheck set screws and belttension after 24 hours service.NOTE: Future adjustments should be made by looseningthe belt tension and increasing or decreasing the pitchdiameter of the sheave by half or full turns as required.Readjust belt tension before starting drive.CBVL & VMNOTE: Do not operate sheave with flange projectingbeyond the hub end.