IM 1229-1 • INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT 10 www.DaikinApplied.comsysTem seT-upCellular ConfigurationThe following procedures should be used to configure theIntelligent Equipment solution for Cellular connectivity:1. Mount and connect the wireless antenna per theinstructions included in document section, “AntennaInstallation”2. Using a laptop computer and Ethernet cable, connectto the “ETH” port of the M2M Gateway (you will need totemporarily disconnect the Ethernet cable between theM2M Gateway and the MicroTech III controller, to makeuse of the “ETH” port on the M2M Gateway).a. The Cellular strength of the M2M Gateway isverified using an HTML Interface page in an HTTPserver.b. In order to access this page, your computer mustbe on the same subnet as the M2M Gateway,which is shipped set to a default IP subnet mask(255 255 0 0) and IP address (172 31 255 1). Youmust change the computer’s network settings tomatch the subnet (the signal strength verificationprocess is the same regardless of the operatingsystem on your computer).c. Navigate to your laptop’s Local Area Connectionsettings screen and change the IP subnet mask to255 255 0 0, and the IP address to be compatiblewith the default M2M Gateway IP addresslisted above (example: 172 31 255 7). For moreinformation on how to change your computer’s IPsettings, consult the Operating System’s “Help”files.d. Temporarily disable the wireless adapter(s) on thecomputer, as these may prevent accessing theHTML Interface page.3. Open a web browser page and type, 172 31 255 1, andthen press enter.a. When prompted, enter the User Name: “service”b. Enter the unique password that was provided withthe Gateway hardware and press ENTER.c. This opens the Gateway home page (Figure 11).4. Click the ‘Status’ taba. Select the ‘WWAN Modem’ tabb. Under “Signal Quality, verify cellular signal strength(Figure 12).5. Adjust antenna as necessary to establish a strongcellular connectiona. For reliable operation, signal quality and powershould both be in the good or excellent range.b. As the antenna is adjusted, be mindful thatsignal strength is impacted by structures or otherantennas. As much as practically possible, makeefforts to avoid such interference while adjustingthe antenna.6. Once a strong cellular connection is obtained, close theweb browser, and disconnect the Ethernet cable betweenthe laptop and M2M Gateway.7. Reconnect the Ethernet cable between the M2MGateway and the MicroTech III controller.8. Feed excess antenna cable into the control enclosure,and then tighten waterproof grommet.9. Add a bead of silicone around the perimeter of thewaterproof grommet penetration into the controlenclosure.10. On inside of enclosure, secure excess antenna cableusing zip ties.