23WEEKLY TIMER OperationUp to 4 timer settings can be saved for each day of the week. It is convenient if the WEEKLY TIMER is setaccording to the family’s life style.■ Setting example of the WEEKLY TIMERExample: The same timer settings are made for the week from Monday through Friday while different timer settings aremade for the weekend.[Monday] Make timer settings up to programs 1-4. Page 246:00 8:30 17:30 22:0025°C 27°CON ON OFFOFFProgram 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 4ON OFF ON OFF[Tuesday]to[Friday]Use the copy mode to make settings for Tuesday to Friday, because these settings are the same asthose for Monday. Page 266:00 8:30 17:30 22:0025°C 27°CProgram 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 4ON OFF ON OFF[Saturday] No timer settings[Sunday] Make timer settings up to programs 1-4. Page 248:00 10:00 19:00 21:0027°C 27°C25°CON ONOFFOFFON OFF OFF ONProgram 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 4• Up to 4 reservations per day and 28 reservations per week can be set in the WEEKLY TIMER. The effective use of thecopy mode ensures ease of making reservations.• The use of ON-ON-ON-ON settings, for example, makes it possible to schedule operating mode and set temperaturechanges. Furthermore, by using OFF-OFF-OFF-OFF settings, only the turn off time of each day can be set. This will turnoff the air conditioner automatically if the user forgets to turn it off.