Gas Pipe Manifold Pressure Adjustment for Natural Gas FuelFor Two Stage Furnace1 Read gas pressure at the Inlet Pressure Tap of theHoneywell VR8305Q Gas Safety Control Valve (Figure25) and confirm pressure is at 7.0" wc. Adjust upstreampressure reducing gas regulator as required to obtain7.0" wc gas pressure.2 The gas pipe manifold pressure for high fire(stage #2) should be set at 3.2" wc. Adjust theHigh Pressure Adjustment Honeywell VR8305QGas Safety Control Valve ( Figure 25) as required.Screwing the adjustment clockwise will increasepressure; counter clockwise will decrease pressure.3 The gas pipe manifold pressure for low fire (stage#1) should be set at 0.8" wc. Adjust the Low PressureAdjustment Honeywell VR8305Q Gas Safety ControlValve (Figure 25) as required. Screwing the adjustmentclockwise will increase pressure; counter clockwise willdecrease pressure.For Modulating Furnace:1 Read gas pressure at the Inlet Pressure Tap of theHoneywell VR8305Q Gas Safety Control Valve (Figure25) and confirm pressure is at 7.0" wc. Adjust upstreampressure reducing gas regulator as required to obtain7.0" wc gas pressure.2 The gas pipe manifold pressure for high fire should be setat 3.2" wc. Adjust the High Pressure Adjustment on theHoneywell VR8305Q Gas Safety Control Valve (Figure25) as required. Screwing the adjustment clockwisewill increase pressure; counter clockwise will decreasepressure3 The gas pipe manifold pressure for low fire (stage #1)should be set at 0.25" wc.Adjust the Low Pressure Adjustment on the HoneywellVR8305Q Gas Safety Control Valve (Figure 25) asrequired until pressure at the Honeywell VR8305Q GasSafety Control Valve Outlet Pressure Tap reads 0.25"wc. Screwing the adjustment clockwise will increasepressure; counter clockwise will decrease pressure.Adjust the Maxitrol M520B Modulating Valve (Figure 26)Low Flow Adjustment screw until the gas pipe manifoldpressure reads 0.25" w.c.Figure 25: Honeywell VR8305Q Gas Safety Control Valve Figure 26: Maxitrol M520B Modulating ValveHigh Pressure AdjustmentPressure Regulator Adjustment(under cap screw)Low Pressure AdjustmentON–OFF Gas Control KnobOutlet Pressure TapInlet Pressure TapLow Flow Adjustment Tap(right side)Low Flow Adjustment Tap(left side)IM 1058-8 • MAVERICK II ROOFTOP SYSTEMS 28 www.DaikinApplied.comoPTIonal Gas heaT