C ommIssIonIng and ConfIguraTIonwww.DaikinApplied.com 11 IM 968-4 • MICROTECH III CHILLER UNIT CONTROLLEREnter Password1. If you have not already entered a password and areon the Main Menu, turn the circular knob on the unitcontroller (Figure 10) until Enter Password is highlightedfrom the menu list (Figure 11). If you have alreadyentered a password, skip to Step 3.2. Select Enter Password by pressing down on the circularknob.NOTE: If you are not at the Main Menu and need to entera password, press the Back button from any othermenu screen until you reach the Main Menu and thenfollow steps 1-3.3. Enter Password 5321 and then press Enter.Figure 10: Unit Controller Main FeaturesFigure 11: BACnet IP Setup Menu: Enter Password4. Scroll down to View/Set Unit and press Enter.5. Navigate to the LON Setup menu on the unit controllerkeypad display (Figure 11).Set Receive Heartbeat1. Turn the circular knob clockwise to scroll down toRecHrtb. Press Enter and then modify as directed by thenetwork integrator.2. Navigate back to the LON Setup menu. Change anyother parameters shown in Table 3 as necessary.NOTE: Any changes to network settings are automaticallysaved.Figure 12: LON Setup MenuRefer to the MicroTech III Chiller Unit Controller OperationManual (Reference Documents) for additional information onusing the keypad/display to set parameters and defaults for unitsetpoints. Protocol Document ED 15120 has comprehensivedescriptions of all L onWorks variables supported by theMicroTech III chiller unit controller (www.DaikinApplied.com).Circular knob(press down for Enter)Back button