IM 968-4 • MICROTECH III CHILLER UNIT CONTROLLER 8 www.DaikinApplied.comInsTaLLaTIonInsTaLLaTIonInstallation and MountingThe following section describes how to field install a newL onWorks communication module or replace an existingmodule on the MicroTech III chiller unit controller.CAUTIONElectrostatic discharge hazard Can cause equipmentdamageThis equipment contains sensitive electronic components that maybe damaged by electrostatic discharge from your hands. Before youhandle a communication module, you need to touch a grounded object,such as the metal enclosure, in order to discharge the electrostaticpotential from your body.WARNINGElectric shock hazard Can cause personal injury orequipment damage.This equipment must be properly grounded. Only personnelknowledgeable in the operation of the equipment being controlled mustperform connections and service to the unit controller.Field Installation KitThe L onWorks communication module field-installed kit shipswith the following items:• The L onWorks communication module• Board-to-board connector - Figure 6• This Manual (IM 968)Installing a new Communication ModuleFollow these steps to install a L onWorks communicationmodule on the unit controller. The communication modulecan be connected directly to the unit controller itself or to anexisting module, if one is attached.1. Set the Unit On/Off Switch to “Off” from inside the controlpanel of the unit. This must be done prior to installinga new communication module. See Figure 7 for switchlocation.Figure 7: Chiller Unit Controller On/Off Switch2. Remove power from the unit controller.3. Carefully remove the blue plastic knockout strip onthe far left end of the unit controller itself (or additionalmodule, if present). Figure 8 shows the knockout stripafter it has been removed from the unit controller.To prevent damage to the unit controller, insert asmall flathead screwdriver or similar tool into thetab on the bottom of the unit controller and pull thescrewdriver away from the controller.4. Carefully remove the blue plastic knockout strip on theright side of the L onWorks communication module.Figure 8: Communication Module and Knockout5. Insert the board-to-board connector into the L onWorkscommunication module. Note that it only fits one way andthat the baffles must line up with corresponding slots inL onWorks communication module and the unit controller(Figure 8 and Figure 9 ).Unit On/OffSwitchKnockoutpermanentlyremovedSlot in module must line upwith baffle in the board-to-board connectorBoard-to-board connector