5 PreparationInstaller and user reference guide16RWEYQ8~14T9V1B + RWEYQ8~14T9Y1BVRV IV water-cooled system air conditioner4P452191-1 – 2017.04Term Definition DistanceH1 Height difference betweenoutdoor and indoor units50/40 m(b)H2 Height difference betweenindoor units15 m30 m(c)H3 Height difference betweenoutdoor units5 mH4 Height difference betweenoutdoor unit and BP unit.40 mH5 Height difference between BPunits15 mH6 Height difference between BPunit and RA DX indoor unit5 mH7 Height difference betweenEKEXV-kits and AHU units5 m(a) If the system capacity is a multi outdoor installation, re-read"the first outdoor branch as seen from the indoor unit".(b) The allowable height difference is 50 m in case the outdoorunit is positioned higher than the indoor unit, and 40 m incase the outdoor unit is positioned lower than the indoorunit.(c) If the outdoor unit is connected to VRV DX indoor unitsonly, the height difference between indoor units (H2) canbe increased to 30 m. In all other cases, the H2 is limited to15 m.If ThenThe outdoor unit ispositioned higher thanthe indoor units▪ Minimum connection ratio: 80%▪ Size up the liquid piping (refer to"5.3.2 To select the piping size" onpage 13 for more information)▪ Activate the outdoor unit setting. Refer tothe service manual for more information.The outdoor unit ispositioned lower thanthe indoor units▪ Minimum connection ratio variesaccording to the height differencebetween outdoor and indoor units:▪ 40~60 m: 80%▪ 60~65 m: 90%▪ 65~80 m: 100%▪ 80~90 m: 110%▪ Size up the liquid piping (refer to"5.3.2 To select the piping size" onpage 13 for more information)▪ Activate the outdoor unit setting. Refer tothe service manual for more information.▪ No technical cooling5.3.5 Single outdoor units and standard multi-outdoor-unit combinationsIn case of heat pump modeConnection with VRV DX indoor units and air handling unitsa4H1H2H3H2H7H2abbcd62513a Outdoor unitb VRV DX indoor unitc EKEXV kitd Air handling unitPipe Maximum length(actual/equivalent)Longest pipe from the outdoor unit or thelast multi-outdoor piping branch (1+2+6,1+3, 1+2+5)165 m/190 m(a)Longest pipe after the first branch (3, 2+6,2+5)40 m/—In case of a multi-outdoor setup: longestpipe from the outdoor unit to the last multi-outdoor piping branch (4)10 m/13 mTotal pipe length (1+2+3+4+5+6) 300 m/—(a) If the equivalent piping length is more than 90 m, size upthe main liquid piping according to "5.3.2 To select thepiping size" on page 13.