13 Special requirements for R32 unitsInstallation and operation manual20RXYSA8~12AMY1BVRV 5-S system air conditioner4P752781-1B – 2024.0213.3 To determine the required safetymeasuresStep 1 – Determine the total amount of refrigerant in the system.Use the values on the unit nameplate to determine the total amountof refrigerant in the system.Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases21 1122 kgtCO2 eq1000GWP × kg==+kg=kg=GWP: xxxR32Total charge=Factory charge (a)+additional charge (b)(a) The factory charge value can be found on the nameplate.(b) The R value (additional refrigerant to be charged) is calculated in"16.2 To determine the additional refrigerant amount" [435].NOTICEThe total refrigerant charge amount in the system MUSTalways be lower than 79.8 kg.Step 2 – Determine the smallest area out of:▪ The room where an indoor unit is installed▪ Each of the rooms served by a ducted indoor unit installed in adifferent roomThe room area can be determined by projecting the walls, doors andpartitions to the floor and calculating the enclosed area. Spacesconnected by only false ceilings, ductwork, or similar connectionsare not considered a single space.Step 3 – Use the graphs or tables (see "Figure 4" [4 3] at thebeginning of this manual) to determine the required safety measuresfor the indoor unit.m Total refrigerant charge in the system [kg]Amin Minimum room area [m²](a) Lowest underground floor (=Lowest underground floor)(b) All other floors (=All other floors)(c) No safety measure (=No safety measure)(d) Alarm OR Natural ventilation (=Alarm OR Naturalventilation)(e) NOT allowed (=NOT allowed)(f) Alarm + shut-off valve [SV unit] OR Alarm + naturalventilation (=Alarm + shut-off valve [SV unit] OR Alarm +natural ventilation)Use the total amount of refrigerant in the system and the smallestarea of the room in which the indoor unit is installed/conditioning tocheck which safety measure is required.Note: When "No safety measure" is required, it is still allowed toapply natural ventilation or alarm or shut-off valve (SV unit) ifwanted. Follow the respective instructions as described furtherbelow.Note: When natural ventilation is required, it is still allowed to applyalarm or shut-off valve (SV unit) if wanted. Follow the respectiveinstructions as described further below.Note: When alarm + natural ventilation is required as safetymeasure in other floors, it is also allowed to apply alarm + shut-offvalve (SV unit). Follow the instructions described further below.Use the first graph (Lowest underground floor(a)) in case the indoorunit is installed/conditioning in the lowest underground floor of abuilding. For other floors, use the second graph (All other floors(b)).OTHER FLOORSLOWEST UNDERGROUND FLOORThe graphs and table are based on an installation height of theindoor unit between 1.8 m and 2.2 m (bottom of the indoor unit orbottom of the duct openings). See "14.1.1 Installation siterequirements of the outdoor unit" [426].If the installation height is more than 2.2 m, different boundaries forthe applicable safety measures can apply. To know which safetymeasure is required in case the installation height is more than2.2 m, refer to the online tool (VRV Xpress).NOTICEIndoor units and the bottom of duct openings cannot beinstalled lower than 1.8 m from the lowest point of the floor.ExampleThe total amount of refrigerant in the VRV system is 20 kg. All indoorunits are installed in spaces that do NOT belong to the lowestunderground floor of the building. The space in which the first indoorunit is installed has a room area of 50 m², the space in which thesecond indoor unit is installed has a room area of 15 m².▪ Based on the graph for "All other floors" (All other floors), the roomarea limit is 40 m² for No safety measure" (No safety measures).▪ This means that the following safety measures are required:SV unit Room area Required safety measure1 A=50 m²≥40 m² No safety measures2 A=15 m²<40 m² Alarm + natural ventilation ORAlarm + shut-off valve (SV unit)01020304050709011080601005 10 20 30 40 502515 35 45 m [kg]Amin [m 2 ]No safety measure (c)Alarm + shut-off valve [SV unit]ORAlarm + natural ventilation (f)m Total refrigerant charge in the system [kg]Amin Minimum room area [m²](a) Lowest underground floor (=Lowest underground floor)(b) All other floors (=All other floors)(c) No safety measure (=No safety measure)(d) Alarm OR Natural ventilation (=Alarm OR Natural ventilation)(e) NOT allowed (=NOT allowed)(f) Alarm + shut-off valve [SV unit] OR Alarm + natural ventilation(=Alarm + shut-off valve [SV unit] OR Alarm + naturalventilation)