34English[2-62]= Cooling and heating capacity learning controlDefault value=0.Value[2-62] Description0 OFF1 Cooling adjustment2 Heating adjustment3 Cooling and heating adjustmentAdjust cooling and heating system operation to achievestable capacity.Note: This setting may result in a longer reaction time tolarge load variations.[2-64]= Phased installation settingDefault value=0.Value[2-64] Description0 (default) OFF1 Single module to dual moduleinstallation2 Dual module to triple moduleinstallationConditions/rules apply for this setting. Refer to selectionsoftware or contact your Daikin sales representative forfurther details.[2-81]= Cooling comfort setting for VRT controlDefault value=1.Value[2-81] Cooling comfort setting0 Eco1 Mild (default)2 Quick3 PowerfulChange [2-81]=0, 1, 2 or 3 in function of required limitation.This setting is used in conjunction with setting [2-8] and[2-47].In the case of [2-81]=0, the original refrigerant temperaturetarget based on [2-8] and [2-47] is kept without any correc-tion, unless for protection control.For more information and advice about the effect of thesesettings, see 15.3. Energy saving and optimum operation.[2-82]= Heating comfort setting for VRT controlDefault value=1.Value[2-82] Heating comfort setting0 Eco1 Mild (default)2 Quick3 PowerfulChange [2-82]=0, 1, 2 or 3 in function of required limitation.This setting is used in conjunction with setting [2-9].In the case of [2-82]=0, the original refrigerant temperaturetarget based on [2-9] is kept without any correction, unlessfor protection control.For more information and advice about the effect of thesesettings, see 15.3. Energy saving and optimum operation[2-86]= Optional setting to prioritize VRT control.Default value=0.Value[2-86] Level0 Prioritize largest demand2 Prioritize smallest demandNote:The setting of [2-86] = 2 saves energy but may increase thetime required to reach set point.[2-89]= Intermittent fan operationDefault value=0.Value[2-89] Intermittent fan operation0 OFF1 30 minutes OFF, 1 minute ONwith medium fan speed2 30 minutes OFF, 1 minute ONwith high fan speedOutdoor fan speed would be increased for assisting todischarge snow on outdoor fan when outdoor fan is stop orlow speed.[2-92]= Te target temperature upper limitDefault value=1.Value[2-92] Te target temperature upper limit0 L1 M2 HIf Auto Te, then use this setting to address different load pro-files. If the frequent operation is at lower system load, thenuse a higher setting under [2-92].Note: In high humid areas, it is recommended to keep thissetting to 0 or Auxiliary heat controlTo improve efficiency the aux heat can be lockout based on outdoortemperature.Item Description Min Max IncrementsAUX HeaterAllowable TempBelow this tempera-ture, AUX heater canbe energized basedon the indoor tempera-ture condition.0F65F(35Fdefault)5FAUX HeaterAllowable tempReleasedifferentialWhen the outdoortemp recovered bythis temp, AUX heatercannot be allowed.5F, 10F (default), 15F