AK-LM 330 RS8FR302 © Danfoss 2015-08 51Configuration of inputsand outputs1. Go to Configuration menu2. Select I/O configuration3. Configuration of Digital outputsPress the +-button to go on to thenext page4. Setup On/off input functionsPress the +-button to go on to thenext pageConfiguration - continuedWe set up the controller’s digital outputs by keying in whichmodule and point on this module each one of these has been con-nected to.We furthermore select for each output whether the load is to beactive when the output is in pos. ON or OFF.(A relay connection was reserved for each function when thenumber of functions was defined. Keep the 0-0 setting for thosefunctions that are not going to use a relay connection. The line isremoved automatically when set up of the function continues).The following displays will depend on the earlier definitions. Thedisplays will show which connections the earlier settings willrequire. The tables are the same as shown earlier.• Digital outputs• Digital inputs• Analog inputsWe set up the controller’s digital input functions by keying in whichmodule and point on this module each one of these has been con-nected to.We furthermore select for each output whether the function is to beactive when the output is in pos. Closed or Open.ON / OFF outputs Output Module Point Active atDO1 1 12DO2 1 13DO3 1 14DO4 1 15Relay for thermostat Saux3 DO5 1 16 ONRelay for voltage signal U2 DO6 1 17 ONRelay for pressostat Paux2 DO7 1 18 ONAlarm relay DO8 1 19 OFFON / OFF input signals Input Module Point Active atDefrost Saux2 DI1 2 1 ClosedAppliance case stopped Saux2 DI2 2 2 ClosedAlarm signal U3 DI3 2 3 ClosedAlarm signal U4 DI4 2 4 ClosedPulse signal Cl1 3 1 - - -3 - OutputsThe possible functions arethe following:Alarm, high priorityAlarm, all priorityThermostat 1 -Pressostat 1 - 5Voltage input 1 - 54 - Digital inputsAlarm mute:Only shown if an alarmrelay has been defined andit needs to be fitted witha switch function (pulsepressure).DI 1- 16:Definition of on/off inputs.Synchronisation signal:Only shown if a pulsereading with related syn-chronisation is defied. Asynchronisation signal canbe connected to the pulsemodule.Pulse reading:Here pulse measurementscan be connected in ac-cordance with DIN 43864.