8-06 Reset Control TimeoutOption: Function:[1] Do reset Returns the frequency converter to the originalset-up following a control word time-out. Whenthe value is set to Do reset [1], the frequencyconverter performs the reset and thenimmediately reverts to the Do not reset [0] setting.8-07 Diagnosis TriggerOption: Function:This parameter has no function forBACnet.[0] * Disable[1] Trigger on alarms[2] Trigger alarm/warn.8-09 Communication CharsetOption: Function:[0] * ISO 8859-1[1] ANSI X3.48-30 ProtocolOption: Function:[5] BACnet Communication according to the BACnet protocol asdescribed in FC 100 Native BACnet OperatingInstructions.8-31 AddressRange: Function:1. * [1. - 127. ] Sets the drives MAC ID on the MS/TP network.8-32 Baud RateOption: Function:Baud rate selection depends on Protocolselection in 8-30 Protocol.[2] 9600 Baud[3] 19200 Baud[4] * 38400 Baud[6] 76800 BaudDefault refers to the FC Protocol.8-33 Parity / Stop BitsOption: Function:Parity and Stop Bits for the protocol8-30 Protocol using the FC Port. Forsome of the protocols, not all optionswill be visible. Default depends onthe protocol selected.[0] * Even Parity, 1 Stop Bit[1] Odd Parity, 1 Stop Bit[2] No Parity, 1 Stop Bit[3] No Parity, 2 Stop Bits8-35 Minimum Response DelayRange: Function:Size related* [5. - 10000.ms]Specify the minimum delay timebetween receiving a request andtransmitting a response. This is usedfor overcoming modem turnarounddelays.8-36 Maximum Response DelayRange: Function:Size related* [11. - 10001.ms]Specify the maximum permissibledelay time between transmitting arequest and receiving a response.Exceeding this delay time will causecontrol word time-out.8-37 Maximum Inter-Char DelayRange: Function:Size related* [0.00 - 35.00ms]Specify the maximum permissibletime interval between receipt of twobytes. This parameter activates time-out if transmission is interrupted.8-50 Coasting SelectOption: Function:Select control of the coasting function via theterminals (digital input) and/or via the bus.[0] DigitalinputActivates Start command via a digital input.[1] Bus Activates Start command via the serialcommunication port or fieldbus option.[2] Logic AND Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serialcommunication port, AND additionally via oneof the digital inputs.[3] * Logic OR Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serialcommunication port OR via one of the digitalinputs.8-52 DC Brake SelectOption: Function:Select control of the DC brake via the terminals(digital input) and/or via the fieldbus.[0] DigitalinputActivates Start command via a digital input.[1] Bus Activates Start command via the serialcommunication port or fieldbus option.[2] Logic AND Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serialcommunication port, AND additionally via oneof the digital inputs.[3] * Logic OR Activates Start command via the fieldbus/serialcommunication port OR via one of the digitalinputs.Parameters VLT® HVAC Drive Native BACnet Operating InstructionsMG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 256 6 PreviousNext |