7 Troubleshooting7.1 Alarm, Warning and Extended StatusWord7.1.1 Alarm and Warning MessagesGeneralThere is a clear distinction between alarms and warnings. Inthe event of an alarm, the frequency converter will enter afault condition. After the cause for the alarm has beencleared, the master must acknowledge the alarm message inorder to start operation of the frequency converter again. Awarning, on the other hand, may appear when a warningcondition arises, then disappear when conditions return tonormal without interfering with the process.Alarm Word and Warning Word are shown on the display inHex format. If there is more than one warning or alarm, asum of all warnings or alarms will be shown. Warning Wordand Alarm Word are displayed in par. 16-90 to 16-95. Formore information on the individual alarms and warnings,please refer to: VLT® HVAC Drive Design Guide.WarningsAll warnings within the frequency converter are representedby a single bit within a Warning Word. A Warning Word isalways an action parameter. Bit status FALSE [0] means nowarning, while bit status TRUE [1] means warning. Each bitstatus has a corresponding text string message. In additionto the Warning Word message the master will also benotified via a change to bit 7 in the status word.AlarmsFollowing an alarm message the frequency converter willenter a fault condition. Only after the fault has been rectifiedand the master has acknowledged the alarm message bysetting bit 3 in the Control Word, can the FC resumeoperation. All alarms within the FC are represented by asingle bit within an Alarm Word. An Alarm Word is always anaction parameter. Bit status FALSE [0] means no alarm, whilebit status TRUE [1] means alarm.Troubleshooting VLT® HVAC Drive Native BACnet Operating InstructionsMG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 277 7