Alarm Word and Extended Status WordBit Hex Dec Alarm Word Warning Word Extended StatusWord0 00000001 1 Brake Check Brake Check Ramping1 00000002 2 Pwr. Card Temp Pwr. Card Temp AMA Running2 00000004 4 Earth Fault Earth Fault Start CW/CCW3 00000008 8 Ctrl.Card Temp Ctrl.Card Temp Slow Down4 00000010 16 Ctrl. Word TO Ctrl. Word TO Catch Up5 00000020 32 Over Current Over Current Feedback High6 00000040 64 Torque Limit Torque Limit Feedback Low7 00000080 128 Motor Th Over Motor Th Over Output Current High8 00000100 256 Motor ETR Over Motor ETR Over Output Current Low9 00000200 512 Inverter Overld. Inverter Overld. Output Freq High10 00000400 1024 DC under Volt DC under Volt Output Freq Low11 00000800 2048 DC over Volt DC over Volt Brake Check OK12 00001000 4096 Short Circuit DC Voltage Low Braking Max13 00002000 8192 Inrush Fault DC Voltage High Braking14 00004000 16384 Mains ph. Loss Mains ph. Loss Out of Speed Range15 00008000 32768 AMA Not OK No Motor OVC Active16 00010000 65536 Live Zero Error Live Zero Error17 00020000 131072 Internal Fault 10V Low18 00040000 262144 Brake Overload Brake Overload19 00080000 524288 U phase Loss Brake Resistor20 00100000 1048576 V phase Loss Brake IGBT21 00200000 2097152 W phase Loss Speed Limit22 00400000 4194304 Fieldbus Fault Fieldbus Fault23 00800000 8388608 24 V Supply Low 24V Supply Low24 01000000 16777216 Mains Failure Mains Failure25 02000000 33554432 1.8V Supply Low Current Limit26 04000000 67108864 Brake Resistor Low Temp27 08000000 134217728 Brake IGBT Voltage Limit28 10000000 268435456 Option Change Unused29 20000000 536870912 Drive Initialised Unused30 40000000 1073741824 Safe Stop UnusedTable 6.2: Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word and Extended Status WordThe alarm words, warning words and extended status words can be read out via serial bus oroptional fieldbus for diagnosis. See also par. 16-90, 16-92 and 16- Warning/Alarm listWARNING 1, 10 Volts low:The 10 V voltage from terminal 50 on the con-trol card is below 10 V.Remove some of the load from terminal 50, asthe 10 V supply is overloaded. Max. 15 mA orminimum 590 ohm.WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error:The signal on terminal 53 or 54 is less than50% of the value set in par. 6-10, 6-12, 6-20,or 6-22 respectively.WARNING/ALARM 3, No motor:No motor has been connected to the output ofthe frequency converter.WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss:A phase is missing on the supply side, or themains voltage imbalance is too high.This message also appears in case of a faultin the input rectifier on the frequency convert-er.Check the supply voltage and supply currentsto the frequency converter.WARNING 5, DC link voltage high:The intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is higherthan the overvoltage limit of the control sys-tem. The frequency converter is still active.WARNING 6, DC link voltage lowThe intermediate circuit voltage (DC) is belowthe undervoltage limit of the control system.The frequency converter is still active.WARNING/ALARM 7, DC over voltage:If the intermediate circuit voltage exceeds thelimit, the frequency converter trips after atime.Connect a brake resistor. Extend the ramptimeVLT AQUA High Power Operation Instructions 6. TroubleshootingMG.20.P1.02 - VLT ® is a registered Danfoss trademark 1396