DC Stop The motor is held with a DC current (2-01 DCBrake Current) for a specified time (2-02 DCBraking Time).• DC Brake is activated in 2-03 DC Brake CutIn Speed [RPM] and a stop command isactive.• DC Brake (inverse) is selected as a functionfor a digital input (parameter group 5-1*Digital Inputs). The corresponding terminalis not active.• The DC Brake is activated via serialcommunication.Feedback high The sum of all active feedbacks is above thefeedback limit set in 4-57 Warning FeedbackHigh.Feedback low The sum of all active feedbacks is below thefeedback limit set in 4-56 Warning FeedbackLow.Freeze output The remote reference is active, which holdsthe present speed.• Freeze output was selected as a functionfor a digital input (parameter group 5-1*Digital Inputs). The corresponding terminalis active. Speed control is only possible viathe terminal functions Speed Up andSpeed Down.• Hold ramp is activated via serial communi-cation.Freeze outputrequestA freeze output command has been given,but the motor will remain stopped until a runpermissive signal is received.Freeze ref. Freeze Reference was chosen as a function fora digital input (parameter group 5-1* DigitalInputs). The corresponding terminal is active.The frequency converter saves the actualreference. Changing the reference is now onlypossible via terminal functions Speed Up andSpeed Down.Jog request A jog command has been given, but themotor remains stopped until a run permissivesignal is received via a digital input.Jogging The motor is running as programmed in3-19 Jog Speed [RPM].• Jog was selected as function for a digitalinput (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs).The corresponding terminal (e.g. Terminal29) is active.• The Jog function is activated via the serialcommunication.• The Jog function was selected as areaction for a monitoring function (e.g. Nosignal). The monitoring function is active.Motor check In 1-80 Function at Stop, Motor Check wasselected. A stop command is active. To ensurethat a motor is connected to the frequencyconverter, a permanent test current is appliedto the motor.OVC control Overvoltage control was activated in 2-17 Over-voltage Control, [2] Enabled. The connectedmotor is supplying the frequency converterwith generative energy. The overvoltagecontrol adjusts the V/Hz ratio to run themotor in controlled mode and to prevent thefrequency converter from tripping.PowerUnit Off (Only frequency converters with an external24 V power supply installed).Mains supply to the frequency converter isremoved, but the control card is supplied bythe external 24 V.Protection md Protection mode is active. The unit hasdetected a critical status (an overcurrent orovervoltage).• To avoid tripping, switching frequency isreduced to 4 kHz.• If possible, protection mode ends afterapproximately 10 s• Protection mode can be restricted in14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter FaultQStop The motor is decelerating using 3-81 QuickStop Ramp Time.• Quick stop inverse was chosen as a functionfor a digital input (parameter group 5-1*Digital Inputs). The corresponding terminalis not active.• The quick stop function was activated viaserial communication.Ramping The motor is accelerating/decelerating usingthe active Ramp Up/Down. The reference, alimit value, or a standstill is not yet reached.Ref. high The sum of all active references is above thereference limit set in 4-55 Warning ReferenceHigh.Ref. low The sum of all active references is below thereference limit set in 4-54 Warning ReferenceLow.Run on ref. The frequency converter is running in thereference range. The feedback value matchesthe setpoint value.Run request A start command has been given, but themotor is stopped until a run permissive signalis received via digital input.Running The motor is driven by the frequencyconverter.Diagnostics and Troubleshoo... VLT® HVAC Drive Operating InstructionsMG11AJ02 - Rev. 2013-07-31 337 7