Navigation keysThe four navigation arrows are used to navigate between the differentchoices available in [Quick Menu], [Main Menu] and [Alarm Log].Use the keys to move the cursor.[OK]is used for choosing a parameter marked by the cursor and for enablingthe change of a parameter.Operation keysfor local control are found at the bottom of the control panel.130BP046.10[Hand on]enables control of the frequency converter via the GLCP. [Hand on] also starts the motor, and it is now possible to give the motor speed reference bymeans of the arrow keys. The key can beEnabled [1] orDisabled [0] via par.0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP.The following control signals will still be active when [Hand on] is activated:• [Hand on] - [Off] - [Auto on]• Reset• Coasting stop inverse (motor coasting to stop)• Reversing• Set-up select lsb - Set-up select msb• Stop command from serial communication• Quick stop• DC brakeNB!External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a serial bus will override a “start” command via the LCP.[Off]stops the connected motor (when pressed on the drive LCP) or the filter (when pressed on the filter LCP). The key can beEnabled [1] orDisabled [0]via par.0-41 [Off] key on LCP. If no external stop function is selected and the [Off] key is inactive the motor can only be stopped by disconnecting themains supply.[Auto on]enables the frequency converter to be controlled via the control terminals and/or serial communication. When a start signal is applied on the controlterminals and/or the bus, the frequency converter will start. The key can beEnabled [1] orDisabled [0] via par.0-42 [Auto on] key on LCP.VLT HVAC Low Harmonic Drive Operating In-structions 5 How to Operate the Low Harmonic DriveMG.16.A1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 735