UMThe instantaneous motor voltage.UM,NThe rated motor voltage (nameplate data).Break-away torquensSynchronous motor speed.ns = 2 ×par . 1 − 23 × 60spar . 1 − 39175ZA078.10Pull-outrpmTorqueIllustration 1.1 Break-Away Torque ChartηVLTThe efficiency of the frequency converter is defined as theratio between the power output and the power input.Start-disable commandA stop command belonging to the group 1 controlcommands.Stop commandSee control commands parameter group.ReferencesAnalog ReferenceA signal transmitted to the 53 or 54, can be voltage orcurrent.Binary ReferenceA signal applied to the serial communication port (FS-485terminal 68-69).Bus ReferenceA signal transmitted to the serial communication port (FCport).Preset ReferenceA defined preset reference set from -100% to +100% ofthe reference range. Selection of eight preset referencesvia the digital terminals.Pulse ReferenceA pulse frequency signal transmitted to the digital inputs(terminal 29 or 33).RefMAXDetermines the relationship between the reference inputat 100% full scale value (typically 10 V, 20 mA) and theresulting reference. The maximum reference value is set in3-03 Maximum Reference.RefMINDetermines the relationship between the reference inputat 0% value (typically 0 V, 0 mA, 4 mA) and the resultingreference. The minimum reference value is set in3-02 Minimum Reference.MiscellaneousAnalog inputsThe analog inputs are used for controlling variousfunctions of the frequency converter.There are two types of analog inputs:Current input, 0–20 mA, and 4–20 mAVoltage input, 0–10 V DC.Analog outputsThe analog outputs can supply a signal of 0–20 mA, 4–20mA, or a digital signal.Automatic Motor Adaptation, AMAAMA algorithm determines the electrical parameters forthe connected motor at standstill.Brake resistorThe brake resistor is a module capable of absorbing thebrake power generated in regenerative braking. Thisregenerative braking power increases the intermediatecircuit voltage and a brake chopper ensures that thepower is transmitted to the brake resistor.CT characteristicsConstant torque characteristics used for screw and scrollrefrigeration compressors.Digital inputsThe digital inputs can be used for controlling variousfunctions of the frequency converter.Digital outputsThe frequency converter features two solid state outputsthat can supply a 24 V DC (max. 40 mA) signal.DSPDigital Signal Processor.Relay outputsThe frequency converter features two programmable relayoutputs.ETRElectronic thermal relay is a thermal load calculation basedon present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate themotor temperature.GLCPGraphical local control panel (LCP102)Hiperface®Hiperface® is a registered trademark by Stegmann.How to Read this Design Gui... Design Guide10 Danfoss A/S © Rev. 05/2014 All rights reserved. MG16C20211