erences that are enabled (seepar. group 3-1*).20-93 PID Proportional GainValue:0.00 = Off - 10.00 0.50Function:This parameter adjusts the output of the fre-quency converter’s PID Controller based onthe error between the feedback and the set-point reference. Quick PID Controller re-sponse is obtained when this value is large.However, if too large of a value is used, thefrequency converter’s output frequency maybecome unstable.20-94 PID Integral TimeValue:0.01 - 10000.00 = Off s 20.00 sFunction:The integrator adds over time (integrates) theerror between the feedback and the setpointreference. This is required to ensure that theerror approaches zero. Quick frequency con-verter speed adjustment is obtained when thisvalue is small. However, if too small of a valueis used, the frequency converter’s output fre-quency may become unstable.22-21 Low PowerDetectionValue:Disabled [0]Enabled [1]Function:If selecting Enabled, the Low Power Detectioncommissioning must be carried out in order toset the parameters in group 22-3* for properoperation!22-22 Low Speed DetectionValue:Disabled [0]Enabled [1]Function:Select Enabled for detecting when the motoroperates with a speed as set in par. 4-11 or4-12,Motor Low Limit.22-23 No-Flow FunctionValue:Off [0]Sleep Mode [1]Warning [2]Alarm [3]Function:Common actions for Low Power Detection andLow Speed Detection (Individual selectionsnot possible).Warning: Messages in the Local Control Paneldisplay (if mounted) and/or signal via a relayor a digital output.Alarm: The frequency converter trips and mo-tor stays stopped until reset.22-24 No-Flow DelayValue:0-600 sec. 10 sec.Function:Set the time Low Power/Low Speed must staydetected to activate signal for actions. If de-tection disappears before run out of the timer,the timer will be reset.22-26 Dry Pump FunctionValue:Off [0]Warning [1]Alarm [2]Function:Low Power Detection must be Enabled (par.22-21) and commissioned (using either par.22-3*,No Flow Power Tuning, orAuto Set-VLT® HVAC Drive Operating Instructions 6. How to programme the frequency converterMG.11.A4.02 - 09.10.06. VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 816