DRAGON™ D15188A SERIAL INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONPURPOSEThe Serial Interface Specification (SIF) describes the requirements that two digitalsystems must meet to exchange asynchronous serial data. SIF deals only with thephysical flow control and asynchronous serial transmission of data between twodigital systems. This specification does not impose any requirements on how thedata is packaged and the number of characters exchanged.SIF data exchange generates errors under certain conditions but does not specify theactions to take to correct the error. This is the responsibility of the software/hardwarelayer above SIF.TERMS AND DEFINITIONSSystemsUnless otherwise noted, the systems described in this specification are digitalsystems.InactiveEach system interprets what physical quantity represents inactive. To communicate,two systems must have the same interpretation of inactive.The Reader and the HostThe two systems described in this specification are the reader and the host. Only onehost is allowed to exist at any time.A CharacterThis chapter uses the term character to generalize a unit piece of information. Thisunit could be in bit, byte, word, etc.DataData refers to a group of characters.