DATALOGIC6USB INTERFACE CONFIGURATIONThe USB interface is compatible with:- Windows 98 (and later)- Mac SO 8.0 (and later)- IBM POS for Windows- 4690 Operating SystemSTART-UPAs with all USB devices, upon connection, the Host performs several checks bycommunicating with the OM-GRYPHON™. Before the OM-GRYPHON™ isready, the correct USB driver must be loaded.For all systems, the correct USB driver for the default USB-KBD interface isincluded in the Host Operating System and will either be loaded automatically orwill be suggested by the O.S. and should therefore be selected from the dialogbox (the first time only).You can now read codes with the associated Gryphon™ M reader. At this pointyou can read the USB interface configuration code according to yourapplication. Load drivers from the O.S. (if requested). When configuring theUSB-COM interface, the relevant files and drivers must be installed from theUSB Device Installation software which can be downloaded from the web site: OM-GRYPHON™ is ready.First Start UpConnect OM-GRYPHON™ toHostSelect desired USB interface code(USB-KBD is default)Read test codes.OM-GRYPHON™ isREADYLoad drivers(if requested)Load drivers(if requested)Successive start-ups will automatically recognize the previously loaded drivers.