How to prepare espresso coffee using the filterholder for ground coffee1. After preheating the appliance as described in the previous para-graph, place the ground coffee filter in the filter holder Fig. 12.Note: Use good quality, finely-ground coffee for espresso coffee machines.IMPORTANT: for correct operation, before adding theground coffee to the filter holder, make sure the filter isfree from ground coffee from the previous infusion.2. To make one coffee only, place one level measure (about 7 g) ofground coffee in the filter (fig. 13).To prepare two coffees, placetwo loosely filled measures (about 6+6 g) of ground coffee in thefilter. Fill the filter a little at a time to prevent the ground coffeefrom overflowing. Distribute the ground coffee evenly and presslightly with the presser (fig. 14).NOTE:Pressing the coffee is very important in order to preparea good coffee. However if you press too hard, coffee will comeout slowly and crema will be of a dark colour. If you press toolight, coffee will come out too fast and crema will be a very lightcolour.3. Remove any excess coffee from the rim of the filter holder andattach to the appliance. Rotate firmly (fig. 9) to avoid waterleaking out.4. Place the cup or cups (ideally preheated by rinsing with a littlehot water) under the filter holder spouts (fig. 15).You are rec-ommended to heat the cups before making the coffee by rinsingthem with a little hot water or placing them to warm on thetop plate for at least 15-20 minutes (fig. 16).5. Make sure the temperature OK indicator light (fig. 10) is on (ifoff, wait until it comes on), then press the coffee run-off button(fig. 11) until the required quantity is obtained.To stop run-off,press the coffee run-off button again.6. To detach the filter holder, turn the handle from right to left.To avoid any splashing, do not detach the filter holderwhile the machine is dispensing coffee.7. To eliminate the used coffee grounds, hold the filter holderupside down and tap (fig. 17).fig. 12fig. 13fig. 14fig. 15Coffee Maker 6fig. 168. To turn the coffee machineoff, press the espresso coffeeON/OFF button.fig. 17