28Provison for ventilationThe room containing the cooker should have an air supply in accordance with BS.5540: Part2: 1989.All rooms require an openable window or equivalent while some rooms require apermanent vent in addition to the openable window.The cooker should not be installed in a bed-sitting room, of volume less than 21 m 3.Where a DOMESTIC COOKER is installed in a room or internal space, that room or internalspace shall be provided with a permanent opening which communicates directly withoutside air and is sized in accordance with table below. In domestic premises thepermanent opening shall be an air vent.If there are other fuel burning appliances in the same room, BS.5540: Part 2: 1989 should beconsulted to determine the requisite air vent requirements.If the cooker is installed in a cellar or basement, it is advisable to provide an air vent ofeffective area 100 cm 2, irrespective of the room volume.(❊) If the room or internal space containing these appliances has a door which opensdirectly to outside, no permanent opening is required.MINIMUM PERMANENT OPENING FREE AREA FOR FLUELESS APPLIANCE5 m 3 to 10m3Openablewindow orequivalent alsorequiredMaximumappliancerated inputlimitRoom volume11 m 3 to20 m 3 > 20 m 3< 5 m 3Type of applianceDomestic oven, hotplate,grill or any combinationthereof.None 50 (❊)cm2Nilcm2Nilcm2100cm 2 Yes