33AUTOMATIC OVEN COOKINGTo cook food automatically in the oven, it isnecessary to:1. Set the length of the cooking period.2. Set the end of the cooking time.3. Set the temperature and the ovencooking program.These operations are done in the followingway:1. Set the length of the cooking periodby pushing the button and thebutton to increase, or to decrease ifyou have passed the desired time (fig.7.5). The AUTO and the symbol willilluminate.2. Set the end of the cooking time bypressing the button (the cookingtime already added to the clock time willappear), and the button (fig. 7.6); ifyou pass the desired time you may getback by pushing the button.After this setting, the symbol willdisappear. If after this setting, the AUTOflashes on the display and a buzzersounds, it means there was an error inthe programming, that is that the cookingcycle has been superimposed on theclock. In this case, modify the end ofcooking time or the cooking period itselfby following again the above mentionedinstructions.3. Set the temperature and the cookingprogram by using the switch andthermostat knobs of the oven (seespecific chapters).Now the oven is programmed andeverything will work automatically, that isthe oven will turn on at the right momentto end the cooking at the established hour.During cooking, the symbol remainsilluminated.By pushing the button you can see thetime that remains until the end of cooking.The cooking program may be cancelledat any time by pushing .At the end of the cooking time the ovenwill turn off automatically, the symbolwill turn off, AUTO will flash and a buzzerwill be sound, which can be turned off bypushing any of the buttons except the/ buttons.Turn the switch and thermostat knobs tozero and put the programmer onto “manual”by pressing the button.Attention: After a power cut the clock resetsto zero and cancels the set programs.After a power cut, three zeros will flash onthe display.Fig. 7.6Fig. 7.5