12damage the appliance.UÊ iÛiÀÊÕÃiÊÀiÊÌ
>ÊiÊiÛiÊmeasure or it could dirty theinside of the machine or blockthe funnel.Please note:If you use pre-ground coffee, you can onlymake one cup of coffee at a time.1. Turn the coffee taste selection knob to theposition.2. Make sure the funnel is not blocked, thenadd one level measure of pre-ground coffee(fig. 13).3. Place a cup under the coffee spouts.4. Press the 1 cup coffee button (fig. 11).To deactivate the pre-ground coffee function,turn the knob to one of the other positions.Please note:A few seconds may elapse between energy sa-ving mode and delivery of the first coffee.MAKING CAPPUCCINOImportant! Danger of burnsDuring preparation, steam is given off. Take careto avoid scalds.1. When preparing cappuccino, make the cof-fee in a large cup;2. Fill a container with about 100 grams of milkfor each cappuccino to be made. In choosingthe size of the container, bear in mind thatthe milk doubles or triples in volume;Please note:For a richer denser froth, use skimmed orpartially skimmed milk at refrigerator tempe-rature (about 5°C).To avoid milk with poor froth or large bub-bles, always clean the cappuccino maker asdescribed in the section “Cleaning the cap-puccino maker”.3. Press the button. The correspondinglight flashes, indicating that the appliance isheating up;5. Turn the cappuccino maker outwards andimmerse in the milk container (fig. 13);6. Turn the steam knob to the I position. Ste-am is delivered from the cappuccino maker,giving the milk a creamy frothy appearanceand making it more voluminous;7. For a creamier froth, rotate the containerwith slow movements in an upward direc-tion. (You should not discharge steam formore than 3 minutes at a time);8. When you have obtained the required froth,stop steam delivery by turning the steamknob back to the 0 position.Important! Danger of burnsStop steam delivery before removing thecontainer with the frothed milk to avoidburns caused by splashes of boiling milk.9. Add the milk froth to the cup of coffeeprepared previously. The cappuccino isready. Sweeten to taste and, if desired,sprinkle the froth with a little cocoa powder.Please note:UÊ vÊi`>ÌiÞÊ>vÌiÀÊ>}ÊV>««ÕVVÊ>`Êdeactivating the steam function by pressingthe steam button you press the orbutton because you want to makeanother coffee, the coffee maker will be toohot (the and lights flash to in-dicate an unsuitable temperature). You mustwait about ten minutes for the appliance toocool down sufficiently.To cool it down more quickly, after deactiva-ting the steam function, open the steam knoband let the water flow out of the cappuccinomaker into a container until the lightsand stop flashing.Cleaning the cappuccino maker after use.Clean the cappuccino maker each time you use itto avoid the build-up of milk residues or blocka-ges.Important! Danger of burnsWhen cleaning the cappuccino maker, a little hotwater is delivered.Avoid contact with splashes of water.1. Deliver a little water for a few seconds by ro-tating the steam knob to the I position.Then turn the steam knob to the 0 position tostop the flow of hot water.