19LIGHts DescRIPtIon MeAnInG WHAt to Do567891011The lights flashalternatelyThe coffee maker has justbeen turned on, the infu-ser is not inserted correct-ly and the service door isnot correctly closed.Press the word PUSH on the infu-ser until it clicks into place.Make sure the two red buttonshave snapped out.Close the service door and turn theappliance on again4567891011The lights flash The pre-ground coffeefunnel is cloggedEmpty the funnel with the help of abrush as described in the section“Cleaning the pre-ground coffeefunnel”.4567891011The light is onsteadilyThe infuser has not beenreplaced after cleaning.Insert the infuser as described inthe paragraph “Cleaning the infu-ser”The inside of the applianceis very dirtyClean the appliance thoroughly34567891011The light flashes The service door is open If you cannot close the door, makesure the infuser is correctly inser-ted234567891011The lights flashalternatelyThe coffee maker hasbeen switched on with thesteam knob in the openpositionTurn the steam knob clockwise un-til delivery stopstRoUBLesHootInGBelow is a list of some of the possible malfunctions.If the problem cannot be resolved as described, contact Customer Services.PRoBLeM PossIBLe cAUse soLUtIonThe coffee is not hot • The cups were not preheated. • Warm the cups by rinsing them with hotwater (N.B. you can use the hot waterfunction).• The infuser has cooled down because2/3 minutes have elapsed since the lastcoffee was made.• Before making coffee, heat the infuser bypressing the button.The coffee is weak ornot creamy enough.• The coffee is ground too coarsely. • Turn the grinding adjustment knob oneclick anticlockwise towards “1” whilethe coffee mill is in operation (fig. 7).Continue one click at a time until coffeedelivery is satisfactory. The effect is onlyvisible after delivering 2 coffees (see thesection: “Adjusting the coffee mill” onpage 11).• The coffee is unsuitable. • Use pre-ground coffee for espressocoffee makersThe coffee is deliveredtoo slowly or a drop ata time.• The coffee is ground too finely. • Turn the grinding adjustment knobone click clockwise towards “7” whilethe coffee mill is in operation (fig. 7).Continue one click at a time until coffeedelivery is satisfactory. The effect is onlyvisible after delivering 2 coffees (see thesection: “Adjusting the coffee mill” onpage 11).