4and 15 cm rear, and equipped withfactory-supplied 15 cm adjustablelegs or 13 cm casters.2.5 AIR SUPPLY & VENTILATION:Keep the area around the fryer clear toprevent obstruction of combustion andventilation air flow as well as for service andmaintenance.a. Do not connect this fryer to an exhaustduct.b. Correct installation and adjustmentwill ensure adequate air flow to thefryer system. Proper input is 2m3 perhour per kW for gas supplied.c. A commercial, heavy-duty fryer mustvent its combustion wastes to theoutside of the building. It is essentialthat a deep fat fryer be set under apowered exhaust hood or that anexhaust fan be provided in the wallabove the unit, as exhaust gastemperatures are approximately 427-538°C(800-1000°F). Check airmovement during installation. Strongexhaust fans in the exhaust hood or inthe overall air conditioning system canproduce slight air drafts in the room.d. Do not place the fryer’s flue outletdirectly into the plenum of the hood,as it will affect the gas combustion ofthe fryer.e. Never use the interior of the fryercabinet for storage or store items onshelving over or behind the fryer.Exhaust temperatures can exceed425ºC and may damage or melt itemsstored in or near the fryer.f. Adequate distance must be maintainedfrom the flue outlet of the fryer(s) tothe lower edge of the filter bank. Aminimum of 45 cm should bemaintained between the flue(s) and thelower edge of the exhaust hood filter.g. Filters and drip troughs should be partof any industrial hood, but consultlocal codes before constructing andinstalling any hood. The duct system,the exhaust hood and the filter bankmust be cleaned on a regular basis andkept free of grease.2.6 ALTITUDE:The fryer input rating (in m3/hr) is forelevations up to 610 m. For elevationsabove 610m, the rating should be reducedfour percent (4%) for each additional 305m above sea level.The correct orifices are installed at thefactory if operating altitude is known attime of the customer’s order.2.7 RECEIVING AND UNPACKING:Check that the container is upright.Unpack the fryer carefully and remove allaccessories from the carton. Do notdiscard or misplace these, as they will beneeded.After unpacking, immediately check theequipment for visible signs of shippingdamage. If such damage has occurred,contact the carrier and file the appropriatefreight claims. Do not contact the factory,as the responsibility of shipping damageis between the carrier and the dealer orend-user.If your equipment arrives damaged:a. File claim for damages immediately,regardless of extent of damage.b. Visible loss or damage: Be sure thisis noted on the freight bill or expressreceipt and is signed by the personmaking the delivery.c. Concealed loss or damage: If damageis unnoticed until equipment isunpacked, notify freight company orcarrier immediately, and file aconcealed damage claim. This shouldbe done within fifteen (15) days ofdate of delivery. Be sure to retaincontainer for inspection.NOTE: Dean Does Not Assume ResponsibilityFor Damage Or Loss Incurred InTransit.