Page 8Optional Carbon pad filtersWe recommend that the extractor hoodis switched on before any food iscooked. We also recommend that theextractor hood is left running for 15minutes after the food is cooked, inorder to thoroughly eliminate allcontaminated air. The effectiveperformance of the extractor hooddepends on constant maintenance; theanti-grease filter and the active carbonfilter both require special attention.• Remove the plastic outer protectivelining on the grease filters before fittingthem to the extractor hood.• To fit the filters, engage the two lugs atthe rear of each filter into therectangular slots of the extractor hoodframe, lift the filter and press the handlecatch inwards.• Engage the filter and release the catch.• To remove the filter, for cleaningpurposes, reverse the proceduredescribed above.• The anti-grease filter is used to trapany grease particles suspended in theair, therefore is subject to saturation(the time it takes for the filter tobecome saturated depends on the wayin which the appliance is used).To prevent potential fire hazards, theanti-grease filters should be washed aminimum of every 2 months (it ispossible to use the dishwasher for thistask).After a few washes, the colour of thefilters may change. This does not meanthey have to be replaced.If the replacement and washinginstructions are not followed, the anti-grease filters may present a fire hazard.Grease filters• Carbon pad filters assist in removingany unwanted cooking odours from theatmosphere.• If your installation ducts filtered air tothe outside, the carbon pad filters arenot required.• Should you require them, factoryapproved, carbon pad filters andinstallation kits may be purchased fromyour nearest Defy Service Centre ortheir authorised agents.The Carbon pad filters are used to purifythe air which is released back into theroom.The filters are not washable or re-usableand must be replaced at least once everyfour months. The active carbon filtersaturation level depends on the frequencywith which the appliance is used, the typeof cooking performed and the regularitywith which the anti-grease filters arecleaned.Before and after use