-9-142646 - Strawmaster PRO (21-June-2018)Operation - Adjustments• Begin operating Strawmaster®with the hydraulics in floatposition, if more compaction isrequired, refer to the aggressivesetting under harrow pressureadjustments.• To avoid deep ridges in your field, reduce downpressure and operate at lower speeds; 5 - 6 mph.• If packing is done after seeding, make sure tocheck that seed is not being disturbed.• To prevent tine damage, avoid tight turning.FIELD PACKING 4321• For best results operate at10 to 12 mph.• The straw built up in the harrowsections helps to achieve maximumrub action to break down straw.TOUGH STRAW• Advance the tine angle to a more aggressivesetting. This will hold straw for a longer periodof time, allowing for a more even distribution ofresidue.REMEMBER: Breaking down straw is much moreeffective in dry conditions.• A second pass may be required in extremelyheavy straw conditions.NOTE: Work the second pass at a 45 degreeangle to how it was worked the first time).BREAKING & SPREADING STRAW 4321If fitted with an approvedchemical distribution system:• Increasing downward pressurewill help break the soil crustand place the granule in contact with moist soil.• Avoid straw build up in the first two rows of tines.This makes for a more even granule or seedbroadcast.IMPORTANT: Always follow label directions forchemical herbicides.CHEMICAL INCORPORATION 4321REMEMBER:• Actual settings will vary with tine wear.• Straw should be dry.• Breaking down straw is much more effective indry conditions.• A second pass may be required in extremelyheavy straw conditions.(NOTE: Work the second pass at a 45 degreeangle to how it was worked the first time).• Work the field at 45 degrees tothe seeding line.• In order to rake flax straw somedown pressure is required.• Before built-up straw starts tospill out the back of the machine, dump strawload by lifting harrow sections.RAKING 4321Tine angle adjustment should be made with themachine in field position. For suggested initialsettings with new tines, refer to the “Suggested TineAngle Settings” section.While there are no"standard" angles forrunning the tines, theoperator may adjust thetine angles as needed toachieve desired results.NOTE: A suggested starting settingdistance is 27-1/2” pin to pin.To adjust tine angle:Use the ratchet jacks located on each harrowsection. Start at one end, set as desired.Set all the other sections to the same setting.TINE ANGLE ADJUSTMENT(NOTE: A suggested starting settingdistance is 27-1/2” pin to pin)27-1/2”