Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 21Version 2.0December 2010The following information is required for all configured remote clusters:Parameter DescriptionRemote Cluster Name The alpha-numeric name for a remote clusterthat will be used in requests sent to the proxy.May not contain whitespace. May be the DNSname for the cluster but that is not required.Host The IP address or hostname of the remoteproxy the local proxy will communicate with.May not contain whitespace.Port The port on which the remote proxy will listenincoming requests. This is usually port 80. Maynot contain preceding or trailing whitespace.User ID The name of an administrator that belongs tothe DX Storage Administrators group for theremote cluster. May not contain whitespace.Password/Confirm Password The password for the administrator specifiedin the User ID field. This value may containspaces as long as they are not leading ortrailing.The CSN Console should be used for all configuration updates, but, for reference purposes, allSCSP Proxy configuration parameters are stored in the configuration file: /etc/caringo/scspproxy/scspproxy.cfg and /etc/caringo/scspproxy/hosts.cfg. These files are automatically generated andshould never be manually edited unless under direction of your support personnel.The scspproxy service will be started automatically after the initial configuration of the CSN. Ifneeded, it can be started, stopped or restarted via a standard init.d script: