Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 24Version 2.0December 2010Field DescriptionCluster Name The read-only name of the cluster that wasspecified during the initial network configurationprocess.Persistent Settings UUID Use this field to enter the UUID displayed inthe settings popup of the DX Storage adminconsole the first time a settings change ismade. This will ensure the settings will persistacross reboots.minreps The minimum number of stream instances thatmust be kept in the cluster. This is required tobe 1 or higher. 2 is recommended and providedas the default value.maxreps The maximum number of stream instances thatcan be specified in the cluster. This is requiredto be 1 or higher and must equal or exceed thevalue of minreps.Please reference the Node Configuration appendix of the DX Object Storage AdvancedAdministration Guide for complete details of all DX Storage configuration options. The CSNConsole should be used for all configuration updates, but, for reference purposes, all cluster-wide configuration parameters set for DX Storage are stored in a single configuration file (/var/opt/caringo/netboot/cluster.cfg). This file is automatically generated and should never be manuallyedited unless under direction of DX Storage support.4.3. DX Storage User AccessThe User Access page allows addition of new or updates to existing users who have write access(administrators) to the DX Storage SNMP MIB and the DX Storage admin console. By default theconsole gives read access to all users and an administrative user with the username of 'admin'and a password of 'dell' is created on the system. Users can be deleted from the list by clicking the