36 Solving ProblemsKeyboard ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructionslocated in the Product Information Guide.Lockups and Software ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructionslocated in the Product Information Guide.The computer does not start upThe computer stops respondingNOTICE: You might lose data if you are unable to perform an operating system shutdown.CH E C K T H E K E Y B O A R D C A B L E —• Ensure that the keyboard cable is firmly connected to the computer.• Shut down the computer (see page 57), reconnect the keyboard cable as shown on the setup diagram foryour computer, and then restart the computer.• Check the cable connector for bent or broken pins and for damaged or frayed cables. Straighten bentpins.• Remove keyboard extension cables and connect the keyboard directly to the computer.TE S T T H E K E Y B O A R D — Connect a properly working keyboard to the computer; then try using thekeyboard.RU N T H E HA R D W A R E TR O U B L E S H O O T E R — See "Resolving Software and Hardware Incompatibilities"on page 54.CH E C K T H E DI A G N O S T I C LI G H T S — See page 47.EN S U R E T H A T T H E PO W E R CA B L E I S FI R M L Y C O N N E C T E D T O TH E CO M P U T E R A N D T O TH EEL E C T R I C A L OU T L E TTU R N T H E C O M P U T E R O F F — If you are unable to get a response by pressing a key on your keyboard ormoving your mouse, press and hold the power button for at least 8 to 10 seconds until the computerturns off. Then restart your computer.