Advanced Troubleshooting 45A possible expansion card failure has occurred. 1 Determine whether a conflict exists byremoving a card and restarting the computer(see page 66).2 If the problem persists, reinstall the card thatyou removed, remove a different card, andthen restart the computer.3 Repeat this process for each card. If thecomputer starts normally, troubleshoot thelast card removed from the computer forresource conflicts (see page 49).4 If the problem persists, contact Dell (seepage 102).Another failure has occurred. • Ensure that the cables are properlyconnected to the system board from the harddrive, CD drive, and DVD drive (seepage 61).• If there is an error message on your screenidentifying a problem with a device (such asthe floppy drive or hard drive), check thedevice to ensure that it is functioningproperly.• The operating system is attempting to bootfrom a device (such as the floppy drive orhard drive); check system setup (see page 91)to make sure the boot sequence is correct forthe devices installed on your computer.• If the problem persists, contact Dell (seepage 102).During normal operation, all of the diagnosticlights turn on and then turn off before thesystem starts.NOTE: If all of the diagnostic lights are on andthe system does not start, there may be aproblem with the power supply or with theprocessor.If the system does not start, plug thecomputer into a working electrical outlet. Alsosee "Power Problems" on page 36.If there are no power problems and the systemdoes not start, contact Dell (see page 102).Light Pattern Problem Description Suggested Resolution