40 Solving Problemsw w w . j p . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . j p . d e l l . c o m Problems writing to a CD-RW driveHINT: If you disablestandby mode to write to aCD-RW drive, rememberto reenable standby modewhen you finish writing tothe CD.DVD drive problemsHINT: Because ofdifferent regionsworldwide and differentdisc formats, not all DVDtitles work in all DVDdrives.T U R N O F F S T A N D B Y M O D E I N W I N D O W S B E F O R E W R I T I N G T O ACD-RW D I S C — For information on power conservation modes, see the TellMe How help file or search for the keyword standby in Windows Help. To accesshelp files, see page 38.C L O S E O T H E R P R O G R A M S — The CD-RW drive must receive a steadystream of data when writing. If the stream is interrupted, an error occurs. Tryclosing all programs before writing to the CD-RW.T E S T T H E D R I V E W I T H A N O T H E R DVD — Insert another DVD toeliminate the possibility that the original DVD is defective.E N S U R E T H A T W I N D O W S R E C O G N I Z E S T H E D R I V E — Click the Startbutton, and then click My Computer. If the DVD drive is not listed, perform afull scan with your antivirus software to check for and remove viruses. Viruses cansometimes prevent Windows from recognizing the drive.C L E A N T H E D I S C — See the Tell Me How help file for instructions oncleaning your DVDs. To access help files, see page 38.C H E C K F O R I N T E R R U P T R E Q U E S T C O N F L I C T S — See page 70.