Advanced Troubleshooting 45A possible video card failurehas occurred.• If the computer has a video card,remove the card and reinstall it(see page 66), and restartthe computer.• If the problem still exists, install avideo card that you know works andrestart the computer.• If the problem persists or thecomputer has integrated video,contact Dell (see page 83).A possible floppy or hard drive failurehas occurred.Reseat all power and data cables andrestart the computer.A possible USB failure has occurred. Reinstall all USB devices, check cableconnections, and then restartthe computer.No memory modules are detected. • Reinstall all memory modules(see page 68) and restartthe computer.• To eliminate the possibility of afaulty memory connector, removeall memory modules (see page 68),reinstall one memory module (ifthe computer supports a singlemodule), and then restart thecomputer. If the computer startsnormally, move the memorymodule to a different connectorand restart the computer. Continueuntil you have identified a faultyconnector or reinstalled all moduleswithout error.Light Pattern Problem Description Suggested Resolution= yellow= green= offA B C DA B C DA B C DA B C D