72 | Programmatic Managementw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mTable 7-1. Supported Get Requests Invoked through the REST APIHTTP Get Request FTOS CLI OperationF10Ping?IpAddress={ip-address} Pings a remote host from the switch using HTTP and returns the output.F10ShowArpTbl Returns a formatted table of known MAC address-to-IP address bindings.F10ShowBGPNeighbors Returns information on currently running BGP instances and discovered(configured or connected) BGP neighbors.F10ShowBGPSummary Returns summary information on BGP sessions.F10ShowBootVar Returns the FTOS images that are loaded on the switch and the order in whichthe are used to reload the switch.F10ShowDate Returns the current system date and time.F10ShowIntBrief Returns brief status (up/down/ admin) of all interfaces.F10ShowIntBriefLag Returns brief interface status (up/down/ admin) of all port-channel interfaces.F10ShowIntBriefMan Returns brief interface status (up/down/ admin) of all management interfaces.F10ShowIntBriefPhy Returns brief interface status (up/down/ admin) of all physical interfaces.F10ShowIntBriefVlan Returns brief status (up/down/ admin) of all VLAN interfaces.F10ShowIPRoute Returns information from the switch’s routing table.F10ShowISISNeighbors Returns information on currently running ISIS instances and discovered(configured or connected) ISIS neighbors.F10ShowLog Returns the contents of the event log in the switch memory buffer.F10ShowMacAddrTbl Returns a table of learned MAC addresses from the switch’s forwarding table.F10ShowMem Returns information on switch memory consumption.F10ShowOSPFNeighbors Returns information on configured OSPF instances and discovered OSPFneighbors.F10ShowPhyIntBand?StackSlot={slot-number}&Port={port-number}Returns the amount of bandwidth used for a specified port.F10ShowProcCpu Returns information on CPU utilization and the processes running on theswitch.F10ShowRun Returns the contents of the running configuration file.F10ShowVersion Returns information on the version of the currently running switch software.F10ShowVlan Returns the table of known VLANs and their member interfaces.F10ShowVlanId?VlanId={vlan-id} Returns a list of the member interfaces that belong to a specified VLAN.F10ShowVrrp Returns information on the currently configured VRRP instances, sessions,and their status.F10ShowVrrpBrief Returns information on VRRP sessions and their status.F10Traceroute?IpAddress={ip-address}&Timeout={timeout}Performs a traceroute operation to a remote host from the switch and returnsoutput to the client device from which the HTTP request was sent for aspecified timeout period.