Inside Your ComputerOn computers with a network connector card, use the connector on thecard.It is recommended that you use Category 5 wiring and connectors foryour network. If you must use Category 3 wiring, force the networkspeed to 10 Mbps to ensure reliable operation.4 networkactivity lightFlashes a yellow light when the computer is transmitting or receivingnetwork data. A high volume of network traffic may make this lightappear to be in a steady "on" state.5 line-outconnectorUse the green line-out connector (available on computers withintegrated sound) to attach headphones and most speakers withintegrated amplifiers.On computers with a sound card, use the connector on the card.6 line-inconnectorUse the blue line-in connector (available on computers with integratedsound) to attach a record/playback device such as a cassette player, CDplayer, or VCR.On computers with a sound card, use the connector on the card.7 microphoneconnectorUse the pink microphone connector (available on computers withintegrated sound) to attach a personal computer microphone for voice ormusical input into a sound or telephony program.On computers with a sound card, the microphone connector is on thecard.8 USB 2.0connectors(6)Use the back USB connectors for devices that typically remain connected,such as printers and keyboards.9 videoconnectorPlug the cable from your VGA-compatible monitor into the blue connector.NOTE: If you purchased an optional graphics card, this connector will becovered by a cap. Connect your monitor to the connector on the graphicscard. Do not remove the cap.NOTE: If you are using a graphics card that supports dual monitors, usethe y-cable that came with your computer.10 serialconnectorConnect a serial device, such as a handheld device, to the serial port.The default designations are COM1 for serial connector 1 and COM2 forserial connector 2.For more information, see "System Setup Options."CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.CAUTION: To avoid electrical shock, always unplug your computer from the electrical outlet before opening the cover.NOTICE: Be careful when opening the computer cover to ensure that you do not accidentally disconnect cables from the system board.1 drives bay (CD/DVD, floppy, and hard drive) 5 PCI slots (3)2 power supply 6 heat sink shroud assembly