30 Solv ing Pr oble m sw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mIf the CD-RW drive stops writingHINT: If you mustdisable standby mode towrite to a CD-RW drive,remember to enablestandby mode again whenyou finish writing the CD.If you have a hard drive problemE N S U R E T H A T W I N D O W S R E C O G N I Z E S T H E D R I V E — Double-click theMy Computer icon. If the DVD drive is not listed, perform a full scan with yourantivirus software to check for and remove viruses. Viruses can sometimesprevent Windows from recognizing the drive.T E S T T H E D R I V E W I T H A N O T H E R DVD — Insert another DVD to eliminatethe possibility that the original DVD is defective.C L E A N T H E D I S C — See the Tell Me How help file for instructions. To access,help files, see page 20.D I S A B L E S T A N D B Y M O D E I N W I N D O W S B E F O R E W R I T I N G T O A CD -RW D I S K — Search for the keyword standby in Windows Help. To access helpfiles, see page 20.C H A N G E T H E W R I T E S P E E D T O A S L O W E R R A T E — The CD-RW drivemust receive a steady stream of data when writing. If the stream is interrupted, anerror occurs. Closing all programs before writing to the CD-RW may alsoalleviate the problem.C H E C K T H E H A R D D R I V E F O R E R R O R SWindows Me:Click the Start button, point to Programs—> Accessories—> System Tools, andthen click ScanDisk.Windows 2000:1 Double-click the My Computer icon.2 Right-click the Local Disk icon and then click Properties.3 Click the Tools tab.4 Click Check Now.