40Using Your Inspiron LaptopSoftware FeaturesNOTE: For more information about thefeatures described in this section, see theDell Technology Guide on your hard drive orat support.dell.com/manuals.FastAccess Facial RecognitionYour computer may have the FastAccess facialrecognition feature. This feature helps keepyour Dell computer secure by learning theunique appearance of your face and uses thisto verify your identity to automatically supplylogin information when you would normallyenter this information yourself (such as forlogging into a Windows account or into securewebsites). For more information, click Start →Programs→ FastAccess.Productivity and CommunicationYou can use your computer to createpresentations, brochures, greeting cards, fliers,and spreadsheets. You can also edit and viewdigital photographs and images. Check yourpurchase order for software installed onyour computer.After connecting to the Internet, you can accesswebsites, setup an e-mail account, and uploador download files.