52Using Support ToolsNOTE: If you wait too long and the operatingsystem logo appears, continue to wait untilyou see the Microsoft® Windows® desktop;then, shut down your computer and try again.NOTE: If you see a message stating that nodiagnostic utility partition has been found,run Dell Diagnostics from theDrivers andUtilities disc.If PSA is invoked:The PSA will start running the tests.a.If the PSA completes successfully, theb.following message is displayed: “Noproblems have been found withthis system so far. Do youwant to run the remainingmemory tests? This will takeabout 30 minutes or more.Do you want to continue?(Recommended).”If you are experiencing memory issues,c.press , otherwise press .The following message is displayed:“Booting Dell DiagnosticUtility Partition. Press anykey to continue.”Press any key to go to thed. Choose An Optionwindow.If PSA is not invoked:Press any key to start Dell Diagnostics fromthe diagnostics utility partition on your harddrive and to go to the Choose An Optionwindow.Select the test you want to run.4.If a problem is encountered during a test,5.a message appears with an error code anda description of the problem. Write downthe error code and problem descriptionand contact Dell (see “Contacting Dell”on page 69) for assistance.