28Using Your Studio XPS DesktopCustomizing Your Energy SettingsYou can use the power options in your operatingsystem to configure the power settings on yourcomputer. The Microsoft® Windows® operatingsystem installed on your Dell computer providesthe following options:Windows Vista®Dell Recommended• — Offers fullperformance when you need it and savespower during periods of inactivity.Power saver• — Saves power on yourcomputer by reducing system performanceto maximize the life of the computer and byreducing the amount of energy consumed byyour computer over its lifetime.High performance• — Provides the highestlevel of system performance on yourcomputer by adapting processor speedto your activity and by maximizing systemperformance.Windows®7Power saver• — Saves power on yourcomputer by reducing system performanceto maximize the life of the computer and byreducing the amount of energy consumed byyour computer over its lifetime.Balanced (recommended)• — Automaticallybalances the performance of your computerby consuming energy on capable hardware.