Quick Reference Guide 17FILE LOCATION: J:\DL\DL044399\DTP\D5173eb0.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 1 2 / 8 / 0 4 – F O R P R O O F O N LYNOTE: You can use your optional Media Base to charge the computer battery when the Media Base is instandalone mode, or when the computer is docked in the Media Base. The additional power from thebattery in the Media Base is available for computer usage once you dock the computer.In addition, when your computer is connected to the Media Base or other docking device (docked),the Battery Meter window includes a Dock Battery tab, which displays the charge level and currentstatus of the battery in the battery bay of the Media Base or other docking device.The following icons appear in the Battery Meter window:For more information about QuickSet, right-click the icon in the notification area (located inthe lower-right corner of the Windows desktop), and click Help.Microsoft Windows Power MeterThe Windows Power Meter indicates the remaining battery charge. To check the Power Meter,double-click the icon in the notification area. For more information about the Power Metertab, see your User’s Guide. If the computer is connected to an electrical outlet, a icon appears.Charge GaugeDuring the first 3 seconds after you press the status button on the battery charge gauge, the lightson the charge gauge indicate battery charge status. Each light represents approximately 20 percentof the total battery charge. For example, if the battery has 80 percent of its charge remaining, fourof the lights are on. If no lights appear, the battery has no charge.Health GaugeThe battery life span is largely determined by the number of times it is charged. After hundreds ofcharge and discharge cycles, batteries lose some charge capacity, or battery health. To check thebattery health, press and hold the status button on the battery charge gauge for at least 3 seconds.If no lights appear, the battery is in good condition, and more than 80 percent of its original chargecapacity remains. Each light represents incremental degradation. If five lights appear, less than60 percent of the charge capacity remains, and you should consider replacing the battery.• The computer or docking device is running on battery power.• The battery is discharging.• The computer or docking device is connected to an electrical outlet andrunning on AC power.• The battery is charging.• The computer or docking device is connected to an electrical outlet andrunning on AC power.• The battery is fully charged and idle.