18 Using Your Projector1 LAMP warning light • If the LAMP light is solid amber, replace thelamp (see Changing the Lamp on page 35 ). Ifthis problem persists, contact Dell (seeContacting Dell on page 40 ).• If the LAMP light is blinking amber, theprojector automatically shuts down indicating asystem failure. If this problem persists, contactDell (see Contacting Dell on page 40 ).2 TEMP warning light • A solid amber TEMP light indicates that theprojector is overheated. The displayautomatically shuts down. Turn the display onagain after the projector cools down. If theproblem persists, contact Dell (see ContactingDell on page 40 ).• A blinking amber TEMP light indicates that theprojector fan has failed and the projectorautomatically shuts down. If the problempersists, contact Dell (see Contacting Dell onpage 40 ).3 Power Allows you to turn the projector on and off. Formore information, see Turning Your Projector Onon page 13 and Turning Your Projector Off onpage 13.4 Up / KeystoneadjustmentAllows you to select options from the On ScreenDisplay (OSD) menu. You can also use the Upbutton to adjust the image distortion causedby tilting the projector.5 / Auto adjust Allows you to adjust the OSD setting.You can also use the Right button tosynchronize the projector to the input source.Auto adjust does not operate if the OSD isdisplayed.6 Down / KeystoneadjustmentAllows you to select options from the On ScreenDisplay (OSD) menu.You can also use the Down button to adjustthe image distortion caused by tilting theprojector.