FACTORY RESET—Select Confirm and press to reset allsettings to its factory default. The below warning messageappears:Reset items include both computer sources and Video sourcesettings.M ENU S ETTINGS —Select and press to activate the menu settings. Themenu settings consists of the following options:M ENU POSITION—Allows you to change the position of theOSD menu on the screen.M ENU TIMEOUT—Allows you to adjust the time for an OSDtimeout. By default, the OSD disappears after 20 seconds ofnon-activity.M ENU TRANSPARENCY—Select to change the transparency levelof the OSD background.M ENU LOCK —Select On to enable Menu Lock and hide theOSD menu. Select Off to disable the Menu Lock. If you want todisable the Menu Lock function and have the OSD disappear,press the Menu button on the control panel or remote controlfor 15 seconds, then disable the function.PASSWORD—When Password Protect is enabled, a PasswordProtect screen requesting you to enter a password will bedisplayed when the power plug is inserted into the electricaloutlet and the power for the projector is first turned on. Bydefault, this function is disabled. You can enable this feature byselecting Enable. If the password has been set before, key inthe password first and select the function. This passwordUsing Your Projector30Downloaded from ProjectorsManual.com Manuals