P OWER S ETTINGS —Select and press to activate power settings. Thepower settings menu provides the following options:POWER S AVING—By default, the projector is set to enter powersaving mode after 120 minutes of no activity. A warningmessage appears on screen showing a 60 seconds countdownbefore switching to power saving mode. Press any buttonduring the countdown period to stop the power-saving mode.You can also set a different delay period to enter power savingmode. The delay period is the time you want the projector towait without an input signal.If an input signal is not detected during the delay period, theprojector turns off. To turn on the projector, press the Powerbutton.LED MODE—Allows you to select between Normal or ECO mode.Normal mode operates at full power level. ECO mode operatesat a lower power level which may provide longer LED life,quieter operation, and dimmer luminance output on the screen.INFORMATION —The information menu displays the current M900HDprojector settings.Using Your Projector 33Downloaded from ProjectorsManual.com Manuals